vineri, 12 iunie 2015


Today we had the second exams in this session of finals. It was such a surprise the result. I headed towards the test with a certain fear of how would it be. But yet God was so good to me, that the final result was great. Histology wasn't my favorite course. God is really like a loving Father who loves to bless our lives. May we love Him forever.

vineri, 5 iunie 2015

From the mind. Deep there.

     This mind of mine was a bit disturbed few days ago because I thought on things I wanted not to. I really tried to keep it on the track though.
     A problem so real in my heart today, the group is a bit unbalanced lately and I tried to understand the reason behind it. Why things don't work at their best? Going far away in our history as a group I saw that things worked just fine when we were around: people of our age and as a number boys were as many as girls, even more at times. In comparation to now, when there are two boys and many girls. Seems like us, girls, unbalance things. Or the lack of boys, anyway. Another thing: our purpose as a group has changed over time and now we are a bit without plan or purpose.
     If us as girls would be wiser, we would make their life so much easier and get our noses out around, to understand that there are


Muntele este o formă de relief pe suprafața pământului care se extinde deasupra terenului limitrof pe o suprafață limitată, fiind mai mare decât dealul, de obicei stâncoasă și depășind înălțimea de 800 de m. Există desigur un mare spațiu de libertate în a aprecia pe plan local ceea ce constituie sau nu un munte.
Munții acoperă suprafețe de aproximativ 52% din Asia, 36% din America de Nord, 25% din Europa, 22% din America de Sud, 17% din Australia și doar 3% din Africa. Per ansamblu, circa 22% din suprafața uscatului Terrei este muntoasă. De asemenea, 1 din 10 oameni locuiesc în zone montane. Absolut toate fluviile și râurile importante ale planetei izvorăsc și sunt alimentate din surse montane, respectiv mai mult de jumătate din umanitate depinde vital de apa montană.